• hotpoint washing machine genuine used door interlock models:WM129 BHWM149 H7L123P WDD740P WDD960A WDD960G BHWD129 BHWD149 BH WDD960PWDF740A WDF740G WDF740PUK

    £19.99 £3.99

    hotpoint washing machine genuine used door interlock models:WM129 BHWM149 H7L123P WDD740P WDD960A WDD960G BHWD129 BHWD149 BH WDD960PWDF740A WDF740G  WDF740PUK   

  • BHWD129UK
  • BHWD149UK
  • BHWM129UK
  • BHWM149UK
  • H7L123PUK
  • WDD740PUK
  • WDD960AUK
  • WDD960GUK
  • WDD960PUK
  • WDF740AUK
  • WDF740GUK
  • WDF740PUK
  • WDF760PUK
  • WDL520GUK
  • WDL520PUK.K
  • WDL540GUK
  • WDL540PUK.K
  • WMD940AUK
  • WMD940GUK
  • WMD940KUK
  • WMD940PUK
  • WMD960AUK
  • WMD960GUK
  • WMD960PUK
  • WMF520PUK. R
  • WMF540GUK
  • WMF540GUK.R
  • WMF540PUK.C
  • WMF540PUK.R
  • WMF540PUK.RA
  • WMF560PUK
  • WMF740AUK
  • WMF740GUK
  • WMF740KUK
  • WMF740PUK
  • WMF760GUK
  • WMF760PUK
  • WML520PUK.C

  • This part was manufactured to fit the following Hotpoint Models :pictures are for reference only

    The following list of model numbers has been taken from the manufacturers data and is believed to be correct at the time of listing. If in doubt please ask preferably with an attached photograph of the faulty part if possible.

    Search easily through the following list, please press 'ctrl' + 'F' and enter your model number.


  • BHWD129UK
  • BHWD149UK
  • BHWM129UK
  • BHWM149UK
  • H7L123PUK
  • WDD740PUK
  • WDD960AUK
  • WDD960GUK
  • WDD960PUK
  • WDF740AUK
  • WDF740GUK
  • WDF740PUK
  • WDF760PUK
  • WDL520GUK
  • WDL520PUK.K
  • WDL540GUK
  • WDL540PUK.K
  • WMD940AUK
  • WMD940GUK
  • WMD940KUK
  • WMD940PUK
  • WMD960AUK
  • WMD960GUK
  • WMD960PUK
  • WMF520PUK. R
  • WMF540GUK
  • WMF540GUK.R
  • WMF540PUK.C
  • WMF540PUK.R
  • WMF540PUK.RA
  • WMF560PUK
  • WMF740AUK
  • WMF740GUK
  • WMF740KUK
  • WMF740PUK
  • WMF760GUK
  • WMF760PUK
  • WML520PUK.C
  • WML520PUK.R
  • WML540GUK
  • WML540GUK.C
  • WML540GUK.R
  • WML540PUK.C
  • WML540PUK.K
  • WML540PUK.R
  • WML540PUK.RA
  • WML560GUK
  • WML560PUK
  • WML740GUK
  • WML740PUK
  • WML760GUK
  • WML760PUK
  • Why The Part May Look Different To The Original Faulty One

    This can be due to the manufacturer changing suppliers during or after a production run of the appliance. Usually the part may only differ visually by colour but fits just the same. In some cases the manufacturer may have experienced problems in the field and has upgraded the part to prevent a repeat of the early failure of the part, but again should fit the same as the original. There are occasions where a part has been modified and additional alterations may be needed to the appliance for the part to fit, but on these occasions the manufacturer usually supplies release notes and diagrams along with the part to help aid installation.